Important Information Re: COVID-19

At Barefoot Studio your health and wellness is always our top priority. We are adhering to cleaning and safety protocols as we strictly follow the Australian Government guidelines, updates and recommendations with regard to COVID-19.

To help reduce the risk of infection to you and others please practise the following guidelines:

 COVID-19 Barefoot Studio Guidelines

  • Please do not join the class if you feel unwell, even if you feel fit enough to workout. If necessary seek advice from a health care professional and notify Cherie at Barefoot Studio.

  • Anyone who enters the studio or waiting area will be required to use the hand sanitiser which is available at entry. Plus any other necessary occasion; after using the bathroom, coughing/sneezing, or after touching potentially contaminated surfaces.

  • Clients are asked to adhere to the 1.5 meter distancing rule at all times.

  • Cover coughs and sneezes with an elbow or a tissue and avoid touching the face, eyes, nose and mouth.

  • Dispose of tissues/wipes in the bins provided.

  • Please do not touch any merchandise unless you are purchasing.

  • Clients must only touch the reformer and equipment that they will be using for the class to eliminate any cross-contamination. We are only using equipment in the studio that can be completely disinfected during the class change over.

  • Each reformer has its own allocated disinfectant and cleaner 2:1 spray and 2 cloths. After class please clean and sanitise any item you may have touched/used by applying a number of pumps from the atomiser onto the surface, clean down the surface with a one cloth, and then dry the surface by using another cloth.

  • Non-disposable cloths are placed in designated bag and are laundered and dried appropriately before reusing.

  • Clients are asked to bring their own personal towel, water Bottle and Pilates Grip Socks.

  • If you have any symptoms or are feeling unwell after visiting our studio (within two weeks) please adhere to government guidelines, seek advice from a health care professional and notify Cherie at Barefoot Studio.

Thank you for taking the time to read and adhere to the guidelines. Have great workout!